Reva Installation Guide using Helm Chart ================== This section tries to provide a detailed and step by step documentation for reva installation on kubernetes using helm chart. Kubernetes ================== If you have planty of resources and infrustructures, you can use the Kubernetes, but if you want to run reva on a small machine using clusterization infrustracture you can install the `microK8S `__. Helm Charts ================== You can find the Helm chart documentation `here `__. Instalation steps: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1- clone **feature/oc-config** branch of the reva helm chart code from `this repo `__ . 2- enter into **revad** folder. :: first of all check the ingress class name of the ingress controller that is running on your Kubernetes using this commands: 1- **kubectl get all -n ingress** To get the name of ingress controller pod. 2- ``kubectl describe -n ingress `` To list the pod detailed information and then check the value of the ``--ingress-class``. if it is nginx it is ok and you donot need to change the value of ```` and **. but if it is different (specially when you are using microk8s), you should change dose values in the values.yaml file. 3- (OPTIONAL) you can get the generated manifests before installing them by running below command and check the result to confirm its validity: :: ``helm template --debug .\ --set EFSS=OWNCLOUD \ --set OCURL= \ --set SharedSecret=thisismysecret \ --set HostDomain= \ --set --set --set ingress.enabled=true`` 4- finally this is the installation command: :: ``helm install .\ --set EFSS=OWNCLOUD \ --set OCURL= \ --set SharedSecret=thisismysecret \ --set HostDomain= \ --set --set --set ingress.enabled=true`` Addition to this documentation also, you can refer to some links in `this Gitter thread `__, and ask your questions there.