NextCloud Installation Guide ================== The ScienceMesh-Nextcloud connection helps sites who run Nextcloud as their enterprise file sync and share system to join the ScienceMesh. For ownCloud 10 there is `oc-sciencemesh `__ but the documentation is unfortunately `not complete yet `__. For now, you can refer to some links in `this Gitter thread `__, and ask your questions there. There are number of things you will need to do get this working for your site: Enable dynamic share providers in Nextcloud ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Apply the `dynamic-shareproviders `__ branch to your Nextcloud installation. This is necessary for Nextcloud to recognize shares of type the 'ScienceMesh'. Install Revad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See also git clone cd reva make deps make build Configure revad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Something like `./mesh.toml`. This will probably require some experimentation. You can contact @michielbdejong in for help. See also the `ocm-test-suite revad configs `__ for examples. Install the ScienceMesh app ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In your Nextcloud apps folder, run:: git clone sciencemesh cd sciencemesh Make For Owncloud In your Owncloud apps folder, run:: git clone sciencemesh cd sciencemesh Make Enable the app in the Nextcloud/Owncloud admin dashboard. This will cause a few necessary database tables to be created. First use ~~~~~~~~~ From there on, follow the `admin guide `_.